This question can be called "Grid - T/F" because it consists of a series of true or false questions arranged in a grid. It is actually a series of horizontal multiple choice (MCH) subquestions of the Cloze question, one subquestion per row of the grid.
The Cloze question allows negative marks for all question behaviours except for Interactive with multiple tries. In the example below, the question behaviour is set to "Immediate feedback" and negative points are specified for incorrect answers.
A script is used to handle the case where students do not select any answer on a given row, i.e. for a given MCH subquestion. The method involves adding a hidden radio button with a score of zero (or another score depending on the teacher's choice). If the script detects that no choice has been selected, it automatically selects this hidden radio button.
If students choose too many wrong answers, and depending on the points for each choice, it is possible that the mark for the question will be negative. The script will then display in the info block a mark of 0.0 rather than the negative mark. Note that the mark remains negative in reality. It will be displayed as such in the quiz summary and will be counted as such in the total quiz score. Teachers can easily remove this part of the script if they find it not useful.
To adapt the example below, teachers simply need to edit the MCH subquestions. For a sub-question whose answer is True, we have:
{1:MCH:= #Feedback for a correct choice~%-100% #Feedback for an incorrect choice~%0% #Feedback for no selection}
and for a sub-question whose answer is False, we have:
{1:MCH:%-100% #Feedback for an incorrect choice~= #Feedback for a correct choice~%0% #Feedback for no selection}
where a non-breaking space is the invisible text that accompanies the radio buttons. The score is set to 100% for a correct answer, -100% for an incorrect answer and 0% for no answer. Teachers can easily modify this point scale.
The script also adds an undo button to each row of the grid so that students can deselect the selected radio button, in case they change their mind and finally prefer not to select anything for that subquestion.
© 2019-2025 Dynamic Courseware (Dominique Bauer)
Documentation: CC0 1.0 Universal - No copyright
Remixes for Moodle: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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