The method illustrated in the example below emulates a Kprime question[1] using the Cloze MULTICHOICE_H (or MCH) sub-question and simple formatting.
Scoring is as follows: 1 point for a correct answer, -1 point for an incorrect answer and 0 points for no answer. Let's call this scoring "T/F 1/-1/0".
That are five subquestions in the example below. In fact, there can be any number of answers, not just four as with the Kprime qtype. Also, the scores for each answer can be set as required.
Note that you can use this method with all question behaviours, except "Interactive with multiple tries" which does not treat negative points.
© 2019-2025 Dynamic Courseware (Dominique Bauer)
Documentation: CC0 1.0 Universal - No copyright
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