In this example, students must complete the following formula by entering the characters "<="& (highlighted), in a Short answer sub-question:
The characters ", < and = do not pose a problem, but the character & must be treated in a special way.
Escaping the & character with a preceding backslash, \&, or replacing it with its HTML character entity name, &, does not work. However, replacing it with its HTML character entity decimal number, &, or hexadecimal number, &, does work.
Moreover, do not use the Atto or the TinyMCE editors which automatically replace & with &, which doesn't work.
You must use the plain text area editor. But it only works on the first save of the question. On subsequent saves, the editor automatically adds a backslash to escape the # character and it no longer works. However, you can remove this backslash and save the question, which will then work again.
© 2019-2025 Dynamic Courseware (Dominique Bauer)
Documentation: CC0 1.0 Universal - No copyright
Remixes for Moodle: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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