The following example uses the Cloze type question. Each correct answer counts as one point. Wrong answers deduct 3 points so that the score becomes zero as soon as there are four wrong answers. However, if there are more than four incorrect answers,
we do not want the total score for the question to be less than zero.
To be able to have negative scores in the Cloze question, all question behaviors can be used except "interactive with multiple tries". Additionally, the total score can be negative except when the question behavior is set to "Adaptive Mode".
We have therefore set the behavior of the next question to "Adaptive mode".
Note that we added a little script to format the answer box, and to limit the answer to a single character, either 0, 1, d or D.
With the Cloze question type, correct answers are displayed in a tooltip when you hover the mouse over the answer box.