The wildcard "*" stands for any number of any characters. The following example illustrates how it can be used.
The word "Broccoli" is spelled with two c's and one l. If students misspell the word, for example with one c and/or two l's, the teacher could still accept the response as partially correct with a penalty of their choice, let's say 10%.
This can be done with the following "Short answer" sub-question:
{1:SA:=broccoli#The word "broccoli" takes two c's and one l.~%90%bro*o*i#The word "broccoli" takes two c's and one l.~*#The word "broccoli" takes two c's and one l.}
=broccoliThe student has the correct answer.
~%90%bro*o*iThe first and second "*" stand for any number of any characters. For example, brocoli, broccoli, broccolli, brocholi, brockoeli, etc. are partially correct answers with a penalty of 10%.
~*This "*" stands for any answer different than the previous correct and partially correct ones, i.e. any incorrect answer, for example cauliflower or Brussels sprouts.
© 2019-2025 Dynamic Courseware (Dominique Bauer)
Documentation: CC0 1.0 Universal - No copyright
Remixes for Moodle: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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